Year Tiger CNY Books and Craft Box

For the upcoming CNY this year, we have handpicked two picture books for you and your children to explore many of the Lunar New Year’s traditional customs and origins. This book and craft box includes the following:

🍊 Two premium picture books: 1) a 3-D pop-up book full of interactive details; 2) a hardback picture book of a classic folk story about the origins of CNY red packets.

🍊 Each book will be accompanied by a parents’ guide, including conversation starters and extension activity ideas. To support a greener society, we now offer these in electronic version.

🍊 CNY paper cutting craft materials (including a video instruction)– perfect to practice those fine motor skills whilst getting reading for CNY!

🍊 Your child’s name will be written on top of our gift box which will hold all the above items and posted to your doorsteps.

🧧 Special price of RM88 – free delivery within Malaysia

More about the two books:


绘本2《中国年》:这是一本很棒的3D立体推拉翻翻书,让孩子及父母能通过互动性阅读与玩乐的方式了解春节的由来及各种传统民间活动!内容包括团年饭吃什么及其寓意,贴春联,剪窗花,挂灯笼,舞狮子,拜年 ,年十五元宵节等。


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