Children’s Books Monthly Subscription Box

Reading Panda is a personalised subscription box service specialising in Children’s books for ages 0-8.

We hand-pick books according to preferences whilst ensuring a balanced portfolio of books. A simple way to ensure your kids receive good books monthly no matter how busy you are!

Save time searching for good books and spend more quality time reading with your kids. 


What's inside a box each month?

Baby Panda Box

  • Recommended for 0 to 3 years old
  • Books are filled with engaging images, often short texts, and interactive elements to allow fun reading time with caregivers!
  • Available in Chinese books box or English books box

Past Boxes Photos

Growing Panda Box

  • Designed for 4 to 8 years old
  • Books ranged from intriguing picture books to knowledge-based activity books, engaging the budding minds of our young children!
  • Available in Chinese books box or English books box

Past Boxes Photos

Cultivating lifelong love for learning

The boxes will be addressed to your child’s name like receiving presents! Forming a positive association to enjoy and love reading.

You may choose to further customise your boxes based on your needs, e.g. receive alternative month or to share between siblings.

Our acclaimed Parents Guides contains co-reading tips to trigger interesting conversations, assisting you to maximise the potential and enjoyment of books received with your children!

How does it work?

1. Subscribe

Select Baby or Growing Panda Box, decide on the subscription duration and payment method.

2. Personalise

Tell us your what your child likes and subscription preferences via a simple form.

3. Enjoy Reading!

Our boxes are posted out on the week of 20th each month, delivered directly to you.

Reviews by our customers

“There is no such thing as a child who hates reading;

there are only children who have not found the right book.”

by Dr. Frank Serafini

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